Finishing up
Implementing the main loop
while (!window.should_close()){ window.update();
if (window.swapchain_out_of_date){ swapchain.resize(); window.swapchain_out_of_date = false; }
// acquire the next image auto swapchain_image = swapchain.acquire_next_image(); if (swapchain_image.is_empty()) { continue; }
// We update the image id of the task swapchain image. task_swapchain_image.set_images({.images = std::span{&swapchain_image, 1}});
// So, now all we need to do is execute our task graph! loop_task_graph.execute({}); device.collect_garbage();}
Cleaning up
Finally, we can clean up!
Running the code
You have now completed the Daxa tutorial! If you now run the code, you should have a triangle appearing in the window! Running the code with the VSCode debugger should be as simple as pressing the debug button, though you may need to create a launch.json if the working directory is wrong.
Otherwise, you can manually run the CMake commands to configure, build, and then run the executable directly like so:
cmake --preset=Debugcmake --build build/Debug./build/Debug/learndaxa.exe
Final Code
#include "window.hpp"#include "shader/shared.inl"
#include <daxa/utils/pipeline_manager.hpp>#include <daxa/utils/task_graph.hpp>
void upload_vertex_data_task(daxa::TaskGraph & tg, daxa::TaskBufferView vertices){ tg.add_task({ .attachments = { daxa::inl_attachment(daxa::TaskBufferAccess::TRANSFER_WRITE, vertices), }, .task = [=](daxa::TaskInterface ti) { auto data = std::array{ MyVertex{.position = {-0.5f, +0.5f, 0.0f}, .color = {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, MyVertex{.position = {+0.5f, +0.5f, 0.0f}, .color = {0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f}}, MyVertex{.position = {+0.0f, -0.5f, 0.0f}, .color = {0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}}, }; auto staging_buffer_id = ti.device.create_buffer({ .size = sizeof(data), .allocate_info = daxa::MemoryFlagBits::HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM, .name = "my staging buffer", }); ti.recorder.destroy_buffer_deferred(staging_buffer_id); auto * buffer_ptr = ti.device.buffer_host_address_as<std::array<MyVertex, 3>>(staging_buffer_id).value(); *buffer_ptr = data; ti.recorder.copy_buffer_to_buffer({ .src_buffer = staging_buffer_id, .dst_buffer = ti.get(vertices).ids[0], .size = sizeof(data), }); }, .name = "upload vertices", });}
void draw_vertices_task(daxa::TaskGraph & tg, std::shared_ptr<daxa::RasterPipeline> pipeline, daxa::TaskBufferView vertices, daxa::TaskImageView render_target){ tg.add_task({ .attachments = { daxa::inl_attachment(daxa::TaskBufferAccess::VERTEX_SHADER_READ, vertices), daxa::inl_attachment(daxa::TaskImageAccess::COLOR_ATTACHMENT, daxa::ImageViewType::REGULAR_2D, render_target), }, .task = [=](daxa::TaskInterface ti) { auto const size =[0]).value().size;
daxa::RenderCommandRecorder render_recorder = std::move(ti.recorder).begin_renderpass({ .color_attachments = std::array{ daxa::RenderAttachmentInfo{ .image_view = ti.get(render_target).view_ids[0], .load_op = daxa::AttachmentLoadOp::CLEAR, .clear_value = std::array<daxa::f32, 4>{0.1f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f}, }, }, .render_area = {.width = size.x, .height = size.y}, });
render_recorder.set_pipeline(*pipeline); render_recorder.push_constant(MyPushConstant{ .my_vertex_ptr = ti.device.device_address(ti.get(vertices).ids[0]).value(), }); render_recorder.draw({.vertex_count = 3}); ti.recorder = std::move(render_recorder).end_renderpass(); }, .name = "draw vertices", });}
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){ // Create a window auto window = AppWindow("Learn Daxa", 860, 640);
daxa::Instance instance = daxa::create_instance({});
daxa::Device device = instance.create_device_2(instance.choose_device({}, {}));
daxa::Swapchain swapchain = device.create_swapchain({ .native_window = window.get_native_handle(), .native_window_platform = window.get_native_platform(), .present_mode = daxa::PresentMode::FIFO, .image_usage = daxa::ImageUsageFlagBits::TRANSFER_DST, .name = "my swapchain", });
auto pipeline_manager = daxa::PipelineManager({ .device = device, .shader_compile_options = { .root_paths = { DAXA_SHADER_INCLUDE_DIR, "./src/shader", }, .language = daxa::ShaderLanguage::GLSL, .enable_debug_info = true, }, .name = "my pipeline manager", });
std::shared_ptr<daxa::RasterPipeline> pipeline; { auto result = pipeline_manager.add_raster_pipeline({ .vertex_shader_info = daxa::ShaderCompileInfo{.source = daxa::ShaderFile{"main.glsl"}}, .fragment_shader_info = daxa::ShaderCompileInfo{.source = daxa::ShaderFile{"main.glsl"}}, .color_attachments = {{.format = swapchain.get_format()}}, .raster = {}, .push_constant_size = sizeof(MyPushConstant), .name = "my pipeline", }); if (result.is_err()) { std::cerr << result.message() << std::endl; return -1; } pipeline = result.value(); }
auto buffer_id = device.create_buffer({ .size = sizeof(MyVertex) * 3, .name = "my vertex data", });
auto task_swapchain_image = daxa::TaskImage{{.swapchain_image = true, .name = "swapchain image"}}; auto task_vertex_buffer = daxa::TaskBuffer({ .initial_buffers = {.buffers = std::span{&buffer_id, 1}}, .name = "task vertex buffer", });
auto loop_task_graph = daxa::TaskGraph({ .device = device, .swapchain = swapchain, .name = "loop", }); loop_task_graph.use_persistent_buffer(task_vertex_buffer); loop_task_graph.use_persistent_image(task_swapchain_image); draw_vertices_task(loop_task_graph, pipeline, task_vertex_buffer, task_swapchain_image);
loop_task_graph.submit({}); // And tell the task graph to do the present step. loop_task_graph.present({}); // Finally, we complete the task graph, which essentially compiles the // dependency graph between tasks, and inserts the most optimal synchronization! loop_task_graph.complete({});
{ auto upload_task_graph = daxa::TaskGraph({ .device = device, .name = "upload", });
upload_vertex_data_task(upload_task_graph, task_vertex_buffer);
upload_task_graph.submit({}); upload_task_graph.complete({}); upload_task_graph.execute({}); }
while (!window.should_close()){ window.update();
if (window.swapchain_out_of_date){ swapchain.resize(); window.swapchain_out_of_date = false; }
// acquire the next image auto swapchain_image = swapchain.acquire_next_image(); if (swapchain_image.is_empty()) { continue; }
// We update the image id of the task swapchain image. task_swapchain_image.set_images({.images = std::span{&swapchain_image, 1}});
// So, now all we need to do is execute our task graph! loop_task_graph.execute({}); device.collect_garbage(); }
device.wait_idle(); device.collect_garbage();
return 0;}
#pragma once
#include <daxa/daxa.hpp>using namespace daxa::types;
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>#if defined(_WIN32)#define GLFW_EXPOSE_NATIVE_WIN32#define GLFW_NATIVE_INCLUDE_NONEusing HWND = void *;#elif defined(__linux__) /#define GLFW_EXPOSE_NATIVE_X11#define GLFW_EXPOSE_NATIVE_WAYLAND#endif#include <GLFW/glfw3native.h>
struct AppWindow { GLFWwindow *glfw_window_ptr; u32 width, height; bool minimized = false; bool swapchain_out_of_date = false;
explicit AppWindow(char const *window_name, u32 sx = 800, u32 sy = 600) : width{sx}, height{sy} { // Initialize GLFW glfwInit();
// Tell GLFW to not include any other API glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CLIENT_API, GLFW_NO_API);
// Tell GLFW to make the window resizable glfwWindowHint(GLFW_RESIZABLE, GLFW_TRUE);
// Create the window glfw_window_ptr = glfwCreateWindow(static_cast<i32>(width), static_cast<i32>(height), window_name, nullptr, nullptr);
// Set the user pointer to this window glfwSetWindowUserPointer(glfw_window_ptr, this);
// When the window is resized, update the width and height and mark the swapchain as out of date glfwSetWindowSizeCallback(glfw_window_ptr, [](GLFWwindow *window, int size_x, int size_y) { auto *win = static_cast<AppWindow *>(glfwGetWindowUserPointer(window)); win->width = static_cast<u32>(size_x); win->height = static_cast<u32>(size_y); win->swapchain_out_of_date = true; }); }
~AppWindow() { glfwDestroyWindow(glfw_window_ptr); glfwTerminate(); }
auto get_native_handle() const -> daxa::NativeWindowHandle {#if defined(_WIN32) return glfwGetWin32Window(glfw_window_ptr);#elif defined(__linux__) switch (get_native_platform()) { case daxa::NativeWindowPlatform::WAYLAND_API: return reinterpret_cast<daxa::NativeWindowHandle>(glfwGetWaylandWindow(glfw_window_ptr)); case daxa::NativeWindowPlatform::XLIB_API: default: return reinterpret_cast<daxa::NativeWindowHandle>(glfwGetX11Window(glfw_window_ptr)); }#endif }
static auto get_native_platform() -> daxa::NativeWindowPlatform { switch (glfwGetPlatform()) { case GLFW_PLATFORM_WIN32: return daxa::NativeWindowPlatform::WIN32_API; case GLFW_PLATFORM_X11: return daxa::NativeWindowPlatform::XLIB_API; case GLFW_PLATFORM_WAYLAND: return daxa::NativeWindowPlatform::WAYLAND_API; default: return daxa::NativeWindowPlatform::UNKNOWN; } }
inline void set_mouse_capture(bool should_capture) const { glfwSetCursorPos(glfw_window_ptr, static_cast<f64>(width / 2.), static_cast<f64>(height / 2.)); glfwSetInputMode(glfw_window_ptr, GLFW_CURSOR, should_capture ? GLFW_CURSOR_DISABLED : GLFW_CURSOR_NORMAL); glfwSetInputMode(glfw_window_ptr, GLFW_RAW_MOUSE_MOTION, should_capture); }
inline bool should_close() const { return glfwWindowShouldClose(glfw_window_ptr); }
inline void update() const { glfwPollEvents(); glfwSwapBuffers(glfw_window_ptr); }
inline GLFWwindow *get_glfw_window() const { return glfw_window_ptr; }
inline bool should_close() { return glfwWindowShouldClose(glfw_window_ptr); }};
#pragma once
#include <daxa/daxa.inl>
struct MyVertex{ daxa_f32vec3 position; daxa_f32vec3 color;};
struct MyPushConstant{ daxa_BufferPtr(MyVertex) my_vertex_ptr;};
// Includes the daxa shader API#include <daxa/daxa.inl>
// Enabled the extension GL_EXT_debug_printf#extension GL_EXT_debug_printf : enable
// Includes our shared types we created earlier#include <shared.inl>
// Enabled the push constant MyPushConstant we specified in shared.inlDAXA_DECL_PUSH_CONSTANT(MyPushConstant, push)
// We can define the vertex & fragment shader in one single file#if DAXA_SHADER_STAGE == DAXA_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX
layout(location = 0) out daxa_f32vec3 v_col;void main(){ MyVertex vert = deref(push.my_vertex_ptr[gl_VertexIndex]); gl_Position = daxa_f32vec4(vert.position, 1); v_col = vert.color;}
layout(location = 0) in daxa_f32vec3 v_col;layout(location = 0) out daxa_f32vec4 color;void main(){ color = daxa_f32vec4(v_col, 1);
// Debug printf is not necessary, we just use it here to show how it can be used. // To be able to see the debug printf output, you need to open Vulkan Configurator and enable it there. debugPrintfEXT("test\n");}